Pics of Jack Lord sans hairpiece?
(too old to reply)
2014-03-28 17:19:40 UTC
Jack Load was not then or bald when he was shooting 5 0 , at the begging of the show' s them song . You would see that hi wave . The front part was a hair pice to emulate the wave .
2014-04-03 15:25:41 UTC
Anyone have any pictures of Jack Lord not wearing his trademark
hairpiece? Interestingly, while both hairpiece wearers Jack and Sean
Connery starred in the James Bond film "Dr. No" during the early 1960s,
only the latter (Connery) ever doffed his toupee onscreen . . . and it sure
didn't seem to hurt his fame one bit!
I would love to have seen what he looked like without hair, but yes he did wear a wig, either way I just loved him, he was my hero
2014-04-03 23:40:38 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Anyone have any pictures of Jack Lord not wearing his trademark
hairpiece? Interestingly, while both hairpiece wearers Jack and
Sean Connery starred in the James Bond film "Dr. No" during the early
1960s, only the latter (Connery) ever doffed his toupee onscreen . .
. and it sure didn't seem to hurt his fame one bit!
I would love to have seen what he looked like without hair, but yes he
did wear a wig, either way I just loved him, he was my hero
From http://www.mjq.net/fiveo/fiveofaq.htm

Did Jack Lord ever wear a wig or hairpiece?
According to Glenn Cannon, who played the Attorney General in several later
season shows, when asked why Jack Lord always wore a plantation hat, Cannon
pointed to the crown of his own head and said, "To cover his thinning spot
on the top of his head. He wore a hair piece on the show." When asked how
he knew this, he replied, "Because my chair in the makeup trailer was right
next to Jack and I would watch them put it on." On the other hand,
according to Dave Donnelly, who wrote about entertainment for the Honolulu
Star-Bulletin since the late 60's, and also appeared in some episodes
(albeit earlier ones, since Donnelly wrote a nasty parody of Jack Lord and
was not on friendly terms with Lord thereafter): "I've been around and near
Jack Lord enough to assure you he never wore a hairpiece. For all his
failings, losing his hair wasn't one of them. Granted, it was sprayed to
within an inch of its life and arranged to droop for what passed as
'casually' across his forehead, but it's his." James MacArthur, who played
Danno to Lord's McGarrett for eleven years, has confirmed this.
2016-04-25 23:01:23 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Anyone have any pictures of Jack Lord not wearing his trademark
hairpiece? Interestingly, while both hairpiece wearers Jack and Sean
Connery starred in the James Bond film "Dr. No" during the early 1960s,
only the latter (Connery) ever doffed his toupee onscreen . . . and it sure
didn't seem to hurt his fame one bit!
I would love to have seen what he looked like without hair, but yes he did wear a wig, either way I just loved him, he was my hero
He did not wear a wig. I don't know where you're getting this nonsense from. His hairstylist, Cherie Huffman, wrote in her book Fondling Follicles, that his hair was his own. Don Stroud, who guest starred in 1970, 1973, and 1976, said Jack's hair was his own. He sat next to him in the makeup trailer when they were styling it. If you looked at Jack's hair, you would see his hairline, which is not visible and looks too perfect with a wig. In many shows, his hair is blowing around, which does not happen with a wig or hairpiece.
2019-03-02 19:02:55 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by a***@gmail.com
Anyone have any pictures of Jack Lord not wearing his trademark
hairpiece? Interestingly, while both hairpiece wearers Jack and Sean
Connery starred in the James Bond film "Dr. No" during the early 1960s,
only the latter (Connery) ever doffed his toupee onscreen . . . and it sure
didn't seem to hurt his fame one bit!
I would love to have seen what he looked like without hair, but yes he did wear a wig, either way I just loved him, he was my hero
He did not wear a wig. I don't know where you're getting this nonsense from. His hairstylist, Cherie Huffman, wrote in her book Fondling Follicles, that his hair was his own. Don Stroud, who guest starred in 1970, 1973, and 1976, said Jack's hair was his own. He sat next to him in the makeup trailer when they were styling it. If you looked at Jack's hair, you would see his hairline, which is not visible and looks too perfect with a wig. In many shows, his hair is blowing around, which does not happen with a wig or hairpiece.
The edges of his hair blew but not the part laced down, get real, was a wig all the way confirmed by non partisan Five O staffers.
2019-04-30 15:23:11 UTC
I don't know about a hair piece, but Lord had the most gorgeous eyes and very handsome.